What is Human Design?

Human Design was channeled in 1987 by Ra Uru Hu. It is a synthesis of four ancient wisdoms and modern science: Western Astrology, Hindu Chakra System, Chinese iChing, Kabbalah Tree of Life & Quantum Physics. It is the science of differentiation, showing you how you are genetically designed to interact with the world for the greatest ease and flow. It is not a belief system, but rather provides you with tools and information to participate in a potentially life changing experiment of self discovery.

Human Design takes into account the date, time and location of your birth to create your personalized bodygraph. The Personality (conscious)side of the chart is calculated at the exact moment of your birth and the Design (unconscious)side of your chart is calculated exactly 88 days prior to your birth. This is your energetic blue print and shows how you are designed to interact with the world, and how you interpret the world around you. Its purpose is to move you from identifying with and making decisions from the mind, to being aligned with your truth and making decisions with the body and spirit.

During the course of a persons life, they may be influenced and conditioned by external factors, however their chart is consistent and will forever remain the same during this lifetime. Everyone expresses the energies in their chart differently, and no two people are the same, even twins! We are all unique and Human Design is your permission slip to be the wonderful, magical authentic person you were born to be!

The Human Design System is not a belief system. It does not require that you believe in anything. It is neither stories nor philosophy. It is a concrete map to the nature of being, a mapping of your genetic code.
— Ra Uru Hu

Join the Experiment!

I invite you to join me in this Human Design experiment. Click on “Get Your Chart” above to get your free Human Design Bodygraph. Then follow along with the podcast to begin your experiment! I will help you to digest the information contained in your chart, so that you figure out what resonates with you.

If you are anxious to learn more about your Human Design, and want to dive in head first right now, schedule an unpack with me using the button above. We will go through the basics of your design and I will answer any questions you may have. This call will be recorded and sent to you after our session, so you don’t have to worry about taking notes, and can be fully present. You will also receive a PDF printout of your chart containing every detail of your Human Design for you to reference as you conduct your Human Design experiment.

Take back your power and begin your life changing experiment of self discovery!